Wednesday, 12 March 2025

I'll be posting here less and not accepting review requests going forward

As you may have noticed, there hasn’t been much activity on my blog in recent months. I’ve been doing several hardcore research trips to Europe the past few years that have required an intense amount of research. As a result, the number of fiction books I’ve been reading has been drastically reduced. I’m mostly reading history and art books related to the regions and specific churches I’m travelling to see.

I’ve been reluctant to accept review requests as a result. I’ve still taken on a few books, mostly continuations of series I enjoy. As I get older my reading tastes have shifted somewhat and I’ve become a lot more picky and critical about what I read. I stop earlier if I’m not enjoying a book.

I’ve been thinking about this for several weeks now. While I’m not going to close this blog, I won’t be updating it with new content very often. I still have one review I accepted for a book coming out in April (Saint Death’s Herald) that I will post, and I’ll probably continue to post the occasional history book review here. But don’t expect regular content here for the foreseeable future.

In the meantime, I occasionally post about medieval history and book reviews I’ve written on Bluesky, where you can find me as jstrider66 (

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