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Monday, 22 June 2020

New posts coming

My apologies for the lack of content recently. I’ve been reading a lot of history books for a trip that was supposed to be this summer but will now (hopefully) be next summer. Some of those books I’m reviewing here, some I’m not (usually ones that I skim or don’t fully read or don’t think are worth it for others to read). I’ve also had to reread books I’ve already reviewed so I can properly review sequels, which is putting me behind on reviews I can post. Book 3 of the Masquerade series by Seth Dickinson, The Tyrant Baru Cormorant, was originally scheduled for a mid-June release. I tried to skim the previous books but there’s so much going on I just had to do a proper reread (and having done so I’d recommend it as there are so many nuances you’ll miss if you don’t). You’ll see my review of that on August 11th, it’s revised release date (it’s fantastic). I just finished rereading Foundryside by Robert Jackson Bennett so I can read Shorefall (already out!). With any luck I’ll be able to post a review of Shorefall next week, after which I’ll be splitting time between history and fiction again. There are some interesting sounding books coming this summer, so I’ll try to do some shout-out posts. For the sake of quick content, I’ve got a review of the movie ‘Us’ ready to go up tomorrow.

A lot has been happening in the world. I went to a black lives matter rally in my city. I've been seeing tweets about how some people in genre have been horrible, abusing others. I've been reading stories about the horrors of covid-19 - those dying of it, those living and suffering after effects. Politics is becoming a horror show of its own in some countries. Sometimes it feels like respect to stay silent, to let bigger news take the place of my blog about books and movies and science fiction/fantasy/horror. But we all need escapes, and if I can point the way to books that will let you escape the challenges of this world for a little while, then maybe what I do here has meaning. 

Be well.

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