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Saturday, 5 April 2014

What Word Best Describes You?

This is something I've seen go through the crafting circles I belong to.  The idea is to pick a word that epitomises you or a word whose meaning you want to achieve in your life.

So why mention it here?  Because one of my mangers recently introduced me to the word that's become the meaning of my life and I suspect it's a word that will resonate with a lot of my readers.

It's a Japanese word,

積ん読  (つんどく)
tsundoku: the act of leaving a book unread after buying it, typically piled up together with other such unread books

Because I get so many review books now, any books I buy end up on the bottom of my to be read pile. And I've got a lot of them, especially with the closing sale we had recently. 

So, got any tsundoku happening at your house?

What word best describes you?

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