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Thursday 15 November 2012

2013 Movie Trailers

Looks like there will be some awesome movies coming out in 2013. Catching Fire, the next film in the Hunger Games trilogy, Iron Man 3, Avengers 2, etc. While the Iron Man 3 trailer has me very impressed (is that Stark experiencing character growth? About time.), the World War Z trailer has me thinking it's just another disaster movie focused on a family I couldn't care less about with whiny kids.

Here are three movie trailers that haven't been spread about as much as those above (with the exception of Catching Fire, which doesn't have one yet).

For a zombie movie that's as unique as the book version of World War Z is the movie adaptation of Warm Bodies, by Isaac Marion. While zombie love stories are - bizarrely - not unique anymore, the humour this one brings to the screen makes it highly appealing.

The Host by Stephenie Meyer. I haven't read anything by her, but I must admit, The Host sounds interesting.

Beautiful Creatures (Kami Garcia) also has an intriguing trailer.  I've seen the book around, but don't know much about it.

Some other movies I'm interested in that don't have trailers yet are:
1. The Maze Runner (James Dashner). I thought the book was interesting and it could make a pulse pounding film if done correctly.
2. Delirium (Lauren Oliver). I haven't read this yet, but it's high on my list for when I get the chance.

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