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Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Webseries: Glitch

I've only seen the first of the 3 episodes they've made of Glitch so far, but it's got a pretty interesting concept.  *Still, I'm not sure how I feel about the roommate's harassing a female gamer in the second scene considering how that's been such a big issue in real life lately...

From their website:

Brian "Glitch" Banner fulfilled a childhood dream of working on video games—but he’s only a tester, and although his friends love their jobs, he has yet to become the developer he really wanted to be. He feels like a failure. Day in and day out, he searches for bugs in games he’d rather be playing for fun, and lately his life has begun to feel like his job. Like so many nerds before him, he wishes his life was a little less ordinary, a little less boring, a little more like a video game...
Unfortunately for him, he gets his wish: his life begins to glitch and video game bugs that only he can see begin to surface everywhere.
Glitch is an episodic comedy about growing up and staying a geek. It is so awesome it will rip your face off. Tell your friends about it! This show basks in the glory of old-school nerdery and makes no bones about being for geeks, by geeks. Don't try to fight it. The only thing that beats this is that picture of the Star Wars cast rocking out...or maybe Mass Effect.

  Here's the NSFW first episode.

*It's taken me a bit, but I finally figured out why I've been a bit reluctant to post this video.  I read an article earlier this week about the Big Bang Theory and how it's about geek culture, but more to mock it than to celebrate it, and that's sort of the feeling I got here.  A female gamer bashes Trekkies and there's the awkward Metal Gear fan the protagonist (and viewer) tries to ditch.  I don't know.  I'll probably watch a few more episodes to see if the feeling persists but the pilot left me feeling uncomfortable.

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