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Tuesday 31 July 2012

Own your own Gundam... er Kuratas

Suidobashi Heavy Industry in Japan recently unveiled their newest robot, the pilot operated KR01 Kuratas Battle Mech.  Watch this video about how to pilot the machine that looks suspiciously like a small Gundam (or one of a dozen other anime mobile suits).

This article by Global Post has more info as well as a few other videos.  You can also check out this article by io9, or go straight to the source, the Suidobashi website which is, surprisingly, in English.  You can buy your Kuratas online, once the project is completed, and can even customize its weapons, parts and colours.

Height : about 4,000 mm / Width: about 3,000 mm / Length : about 4,000 mm / Weight : about 4,500 kg
Control system : AE V-sido
Cost: US$1,353,500 

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