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Sunday, 28 August 2011

Fan Expo Canada part 2: Odd Booth Merchandise

One of the best parts of fan expo is finding all the truly unique items for sale.
Naturally there were a lot of booths selling Angry Birds plush toys.  This booth had a nice little display for them.  And while I didn't see it, someone got a picture of an Angry Birds board game.  o_O

Then there was this booth of zombie inspired merchandise (I loved the 'Zombies love a Girl with Brains' t-shirts).  Go to to learn more about them.

But zombies weren't the only creatures to get a dedicated booth, baby vampires, or Vamplets, got one too!  You could even meet them.  Each plush Vamplet had its own story, like Count Vlad Von Gloom, "So cute but so CRUEL, descended from DRAC, BLOOD is always his favourite snack!"  Here's their website:

Want something for your baby vampire to munch on?  How about a bloody stuffed animal?

And if you want nifty patterned socks or other cute clothes, check out's Crazy Heads line.  I really liked their sushi socks.  :)

Got a baby on board?  They were also selling super cute superhero inspired onesies.

Another surprisingly popular item was exotic contact lenses.  I passed several booths selling them, but this one had a really nice chart of what you could get.

These last two took the cake for bizarre though.  The first are cleavage dragons, sold at the Crosstime Traders booth.
The explanatory note in the doorway reads:
Cleavage Dragons!

Wenches, Vixens, Ladies of the Kingdom!  Have you ever had a Lord hold converstion with you and the entire time he is staring at your bosoms?

Well, here's your chance to have something staring back!

Not just a conversation piece, these little "Defenders of the Realm", will let them know they may not treat upon these grounds.  Naming them is fun too!

And the second is a unique tribute to the recently deceased Jack Layton.  Not sure who the artist is.

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