In March 2011 we will be accepting submissions from unagented authors for the first time. The clock starts ticking on March 1st, and we close the doors again on March 31st. If things go well we might repeat the project later in the year.There's a LOT more information on their site, so head over and read it if you've got a manuscript ready to go.
During March 2011, this page will change, and you will see details of how to submit your manuscripts to us.
Please do not send us anything before this time, as we won’t read it.
Instead, use the time between now and then to make sure it’s the best it can be.
What we will be looking for:
We’re publishing novels, either standalone or as part of greater series. We’re not looking to publish your novellas, short stories (individually or collected in book form) or non-fiction at this time. Our novels are for adult readers; we’re not currently looking at work aimed at young teens or children.
All our books are “genre” fiction in one way or another — specifically fantasy, science fiction, horror, and that new catch-all urban or modern fantasy. Those are quite wide-ranging in themselves; we’re looking for all types of sub-genre, so for example, hard SF, space opera, cyberpunk, military SF, alternate future history, future crime, time travel, and more. We have no problem if your book mashes together two or more of these genres, but they must have that genre foundation – no thrillers with the merest touch of SF, for example.
Our books will be published in all English-language territories — notably the UK, US and Australia — so we’ll be buying rights to cover all those. If you are only offering rights in one territory, we will not be able to deal with you. We will be able to offer e-book and audio versions as standard too, plus limited edition and multiple physical formats where appropriate. We are not contracting any work-for-hire titles; we offer advances and royalties.
Reviews of Science Fiction and Fantasy novels by Jessica Strider, a former bookseller and avid reader. You'll also find shout-outs to SFF books, medieval history reviews, tidbits and more.
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Saturday, 12 February 2011
Angry Robot Books Welcomes Unagented Manuscripts in March
From their website:
Thanks for the tip. I have my fantasy novel ready and a sticky note reminding me to have it read on March 1st.
ReplyDeleteIt's a great opportunity. Good luck! Angry Robot Books has a good line-up and publish in several countries (more than the usual contract).