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Wednesday, 10 November 2010

SF Contario - Toronto's Newest SF Convention

Have you heard about Toronto's new Science Fiction Convention? No? Neither had I until last month. If you're in Toronto (and not heading to the World's Biggest Bookstore's 30th Anniversary sale), SF Contario is taking place November 19th-21st at the Ramada Plaza Hotel at 300 Jarvis Street (only a few blocks away from the bookstore. Hint hint). I'll be working the Saturday (yay sale!) but may drop by on the Friday to say hi to people I know will be there. I'm interested in the ChiZine Book Launch. ChiZine Publications is a newer press that deals with high quality horror/dark fantasy novels. Some of which are written by local authors (who attend Ad Astra and, presumably will be at SF Contario). Two of the authors are even regulars at the WBB! :)

And if you don't have tickets yet, their website doesn't give day rates, so I emailed them and here's what I was told:
Our day rates will be $25 for Friday, $40 for Saturday, and $30 for Sunday. The young adult rate will be $20, $30, and $25. The child rate will be $15, $25, and $20.

Weekend rates at-con will be $65 adult, $75 charter, $50 young adult, and $35 child.
See you there?


  1. Wish I could be there. I love conventions.

  2. They are a lot of fun. I wish I were downtown still. This is a short walk away from where I used to live. Most of Toronto's cons are in out of the way places, so it was always a pain getting there. But worth the effort!
