But first, Penguin books has several venues for getting free books if you like contests (these sites are only for Canada though they probably have similar programs elsewhere). You can:
join their book club: penguinbookclub.ca
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and join the LibraryThing Early Reviewers program: librarything.com/er/list
If you're serious about doing a blog for book reviews, they have their Bloggers and Books Network. Go to penguin.ca/bloggerquestionnaire to see if you qualify.
It's through LibraryThing that I'm now the proud owner of a book that won't be out for another two months.
Here's the cover blurb:
And then, Cale opens a door.
What follows is a daring escape, an unlikely alliance, a desperate pursuit, a journey of incredible discovery, and an adventure the likes of which Cale could never possibly have imagined, culminating in Cale's asonishing realization that he alone holds the fate of the world in his hands.
Sounds great, doesn't it? I should post a review of it in the next few weeks.
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