Like my other reading lists, this one is not comprehensive. I have not read all of these, so in some cases I'm basing the fact that they take place on water due to the cover art and synopsis. If I've got one wrong, please tell me in comments and I'll remove it. Similarly, if you'd like to add a title feel free. Also, I wasn't originally looking for SF or submarine books, so I know those catagories could be fleshed out. Again, feel free to suggest books. And I was trying for books on boats, so books like S.L. Viehl's Afterburn and Anne McCaffrey & Elizabeth Ann Scarborough's Changeling aren't included.
Books are listed in no particular order.
Fantasy books
The Edge of the World - Kevin J. Anderson
Ship of Magic, Mad Ship, Ship of Destiny - Robin Hobb
Storm Witch - Violette Malan
Mermaid's Madness - Jim Hines
Mad Kestrel - Misty Massey
Red Wolf Conspiracy - Robert VS Redick
Red Seas Under Red Skies - Scott Lynch
Princess at Sea - Dawn Cook
Midshipwizard Halcyon Blithe, Dragonfrigatewizard Halcyon Blithe - James Ward
The Cipher, The Black Ship, The Turning Tide - Diana Francis
Mark of Ran, Forsaken Earth - Paul Kearney
Tomes of the Dead: Death Hulk - Matther Sprange
Alternate History
Land of Mist & Snow - Debra Doyle & James MacDonald
Set the Seas on Fire - Chris Roberson
His Majesty's Dragon - Naomi Novik
Into the Storm, Crusade, Maelstrom - Taylor Anderson
Sci-Fi books
The Skinner - Neal Asher
Glory Season - David Brin
20 000 Leagues Under the Sea - Jules Verne
The Dragon in the Sea - Frank Herbert
Pax Britannia: Leviathan Rising - Jonathan Green
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